Extracts of plant-based yogurts inhibit recombinant human angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (rhACE2) activity

Plant-based yogurts inhibit rhACE2 activity

  • Yu Hasegawa
  • Waritsara Khongkomolsakul
  • Bradley W. Bolling
Keywords: Plant-based yogurt, rhACE2, isoflavone, soy, nuts, almond


Little is known about how diet and nutraceuticals modulate Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2). Plant-based yogurts (PBYs) are potential sources of functional components and are made from a variety of plant-milks with varying cultures and protein sources. This study assessed the recombinant human (rh)ACE2 inhibitory activity of PBYs available in the United States. Extracts from 21 almond, cashew, coconut, oat and soy PBYs were screened for rhACE2 inhibitory activity. Among these samples, 9 PBYs inhibited recombinant human (rh)ACE2 by 50% at less than 50 mg/mL (dry weight (dw) PBY basis). Extracts of soy, almond, and oat PBYs were among the most active inhibitors, from 4-11 mg/mL IC50 (dw PBY). Among plant milks, soy milk extracts were more active rhACE2 inhibitors than oat or almond milks. Isoflavones contributed to activity, as purified isoflavones inhibited rhACE2. Therefore, rhACE2 inhibition by PBY varies considerably between products. These results suggest that there are a variety of nutraceuticals in PBYs that inhibit ACE2, and their bioactivity depends on the method of manufacturing and ingredient selection.


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How to Cite
Hasegawa, Y., Khongkomolsakul, W., & W. Bolling, B. (2023). Extracts of plant-based yogurts inhibit recombinant human angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (rhACE2) activity. Journal of Food Bioactives, 21. https://doi.org/10.31665/JFB.2023.18335
Original Research